Letter Fold Calculator
For letter folds, you will have one short panel and two equally-sized longer ones. Begin by dividing along the side of the sheet that folds into three. Visualize that your standard 8½” x 11”, for example, would fold into three along the longer 11” side. We split 11” into three panels, which produces 3.6667” for one panel. We will add an offset to two panels, and remove that same offset from the shorter panel.

Gate Fold and Double Paralel Fold Calculator
For your gate folds and double parallel folds, you’ll have two short panels folding into two longer panels. Gate folds open outwards from the middle, with the short panels comprising the ‘gate’; double parallels fold a sheet of paper in half, then in half again in the same manner, so that the outer edges of the sheet are on top of the folded sheet. The two inner quarter folds will be the shorter of the four.
Roll Fold Calculator
For your roll folds, there will be three different sized panels: a shortest panel, which folds into a shorter panel, which folds into the two equally-sized panels that comprise the front and back of the brochure.