We are currently working on a web to print solution that will allow for customization of products, online design tools and online ordering of print materials. Please stay tuned.
The Latest News
Texas Litho Signs Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston as new Client.
HOUSTON, TX – Texas Litho is pleased to announce that they have become the printing …

Knowledge Base
We have designed and compiled what we consider essential information and tools to help you with your design needs. Like any industry, printing has its challenging aspects. We hope this information helps you with some of these issues.
Envelope Chart
Use this chart to find the correct size for not only the envelope you need for your design, but also for the card that fits within it.
GoFolding Utility
This tool can help you figure out the size of the individual panels for a variety of folding brochure styles. Just enter the size of your sheet into the corresponding form filed, and it will return the correct dimensions.
GoPrinting FAQ
Don't know what bleeds are, or why you should not overprint white items on your designs. We have gathered some useful information for you.
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